Your brother was wondering the other night in the phone call why people have accidents and are murdered and all of the other misfortunes that befall humans. As you know, your souls have a destiny for you and as you have free will sometimes you do not follow the soul’s plan. When that happens, again because of your free will, we and your soul cannot interfere with [your] lack of judgement; therefore, accidents happen that cannot be controlled by us or your soul.
Other than that, the plan for your life goes on and when accidents happen, deaths, etc., this is a lesson. It might be that those left behind in the case of a person’s death have their lessons to be learned that cannot be learned in any other way. As you have been learning, there is a reason for everything even if the reason is hard to understand.
You have been through the greatest problem that an earthling has: the loss of a deeply loved friend and wife. Sue needed and you needed to learn unconditional love while you were on earth. As terrible as it seemed, she developed her brain tumor which then by your continued devotion to her in helping her, you both found unconditional love that will stay with your souls forever.
Even though you know that Sue is in her new realm and is quite joyful, happy and full of love for herself and for you, it still hurts that she is not with you on earth and [that] will so for the rest of your earthly life.
However, don’t let that through you off your purpose to enjoy your life with love for your fellow man and be helpful to your fellow man. You still have a lot to offer to this world you are in. Hang in there when illness strikes, which it will to you just as it does to everyone. You will get through any illness and heartaches[you have], and you will go on to do great things that you cannot even imagine right now.
[When will the great things happen?]
Even we do not have a timetable on that. Just keep on doing what you are doing, go to church, hear the seminars and all things will open up for you. We promise. Keep these words we have told you on your mind and talk to us more often like you used to do.
Your friends.
More information about Spirit Guides is available in my first 2 books available through Amazon. Click on the cover to open the page.
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Identifying and Cultivating Relationships With Your Spirit Guides
This is a book about life after death as provided to me through journaling and a series of extraordinary events by my wife, Suzette Delashmet Shockley, after her demise. When these events started to happen, I, having not known or even thought about life after someone has passed, was in disbelief myself and turned to find out, research, and listen for answers to really see what was happening. In reading and talking with some people that did believe in life after death, I kept an open mind. As these activities happened one by one, what was happening made sense to me because as I took it as a continuing series of events, I saw something was happening that was out of the ordinary. It was in fact very extraordinary and could not, as we know it, be of a human perspective of life on this planet. I now know that when a person loses a good friend, a spouse, a child, or other loving relationship, the deceased person can come through. I believe the stronger the love vibration between the one that has passed and the one left behind, the easier and the stronger will be the connection between them. My books are available through Amazon: "Beyond Earth Through Heaven's Gates: Communication and Insights from Our Spiritual World" and "Beyond the Veil to Heaven".